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The City of a Hundred Ships - a scenario of political intrigue DND One Shot for 5th Edition

The City of a Hundred Ships - a scenario of political intrigue DND One Shot for 5th Edition

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LEVEL 6 One-Shot


3-6 hours of session time.


Adventure background

The City of a Hundred Ships is an one shot adventure for 6th level characters in the 5th Edition set on a floating city. The characters can explore the city and choose a side in a disagreement between two ideologies.

The adventure begins with the party aboard a great elven warship, The Regolith, heading for a floating city named Maradusc, also known as The City of a Hundred Ships.

Adventure Hooks
If you have previously run Lady Trevant’s Bones, this adventure serves as a sequel. The party will be asked by Kalen Thriz to accompany her to Maradusc where they will be given a reward for their help. You can run this as a one shot or slot it into a campaign by having Kalen hire them to present the bones to the Umbra Ministry (elves of the Midnight Banner are forbidden to touch the bones because of their sacred status).

Alternatively, if the party are already at sea, they can come across the city by accident
and be picked up by The Regolith as it too arrives back in the city.

  • 24 page PDF and digital images.
  • A host of interesting NPCs.
  • 2 new magical items.
  • Original artwork and maps.
  • Player maps for Roll20.
  • Updates delivered automatically.

The City of a Hundred Ships is a one shot adventure written by Tim Roberts, an independent games creator.

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  • The busy DM/GM

    This 5e one-shot can easily be integrated into your home brew campaign. Just change the location names. Prep done!

  • Stand-alone session

    If don't have the opportunity to run a regular session, and you're looking for a single adventure that is fun, easy to jump into, and offers your party a pay-off for their endeavours.

  • Beginner DM/GM

    You've seen Stranger Things, and you're ready to dip your toe into the world of DND and role-playing games without having to invest in large manuals and spend time learning extensive rules.

Tim Roberts author of 5e one shot adventures, DND one shots, homebrew games

Meet the Author

Tim Roberts

Tim Roberts is the founder of Critical Kit. After years of web development and building e-commerce sites, he married his technical skills with his love of D&D and created Critical Kit.

The website's success allowed him to reignite his passion for creative writing. After winning flash fiction competitions and writing short stories, he took the world he was running in his D&D sessions and shares them with everyone.

Tim lives in Somerset with his family and he travels to convention's both in the UK, Europe and the States.

Check our Rock and Roll Tour to see where he'll be next and stop by and say hi.

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