High Stakes DND One Shot - an airborne heist scenario for 5E
High Stakes DND One Shot - an airborne heist scenario for 5E
LEVEL 4 One-Shot
High Stakes is a 5th edition heist aboard an airship. It takes place in the same world as Chill Factor and The Dark Heart of Roskem but can easily be adapted to other settings.
Included in the download:
- 16 page PDF and Digital Images.
- 2 new monsters.
- 2 new magical items.
- Original artwork and maps.
- Player maps for Roll20.
- Updates delivered automatically.
This one shot DND adventure is written by independent games creator Tim Roberts.
Check out this DND one shot adventure being played on YouTube, run by Tim Roberts and Stars Ant, Abi, Helen and Adam.
Physical Book information:
A5 (148mm x 210mm) format, 11 pages, laminated gloss cover.
PDF copy
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Who is this one-shot for?
The busy DM/GM
This 5e one-shot can easily be integrated into your homebrew campaign. Just change the location names, and you're good to go. You can see if RPGs are for you for a little as $4 (PDF copy).
Stand-alone session
You don't have the opportunity to run a regular session, and you're looking for a single adventure that is fun, easy to jump into, and offers your party a pay-off for their endeavours.
Beginner DM/GM
You've seen Stranger Things, and you're ready to dip your toe into the world of DND and role-playing games without having to invest in large manuals and spend time learning extensive rules.